Telescope is Good for Kids STEM Development

Why Using a Telescope is Good for Kids STEM Development

  There are endless ways to boost your kid’s involvement in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) subjects. But did you know one of the more unique ways is using ... Continue Reading →
Orion GoScope best telescope for kids

Best Telescope For Kids

One of my earliest memories of the night sky was my first close up view of the moon, when a friend set up his best telescope for kids to look at the moon and the stars.  When it was ... Continue Reading →
best telescope

The Outer Planets and The Gas Giants

Jupiter through a telescope   Jupiter is the largest and heaviest planet in the solar system, second only to the Sun in sheer size and volume. Named after the Roman King of the ... Continue Reading →
best telescope

Solar System – The Sun The Moon and the Inner Planets

The Sun – At the center of the Solar System       The center of our Solar System, the Sun, is a middle aged, common star, known as a yellow dwarf. So, not one ... Continue Reading →
best telescope

Twinstar 60mm Compact Kids Refractor Telescope review

 The TwinStar 60 mm Refractor telescope is ideal for kids Are you looking for something your child will enjoy to play with while learning new and exciting things? Our recommendation ... Continue Reading →
best telescope

Meade NG60 60mm Refractor Telescope review

Meade NG60 60mm Refractor Telescope review Great for beginners and children who have discovered their passion for astronomy, the Meade NG60 60mm Refractor Telescope can be the best ... Continue Reading →
Orion GoScope best telescope for kids

Orion 10013 GoScope 80mm TableTop Refractor Telescope review

 The Orion 10013 GoScope 80mm TableTop Refractor Telescope Is the Orion GoScope TableTop Telescope suitable for Kids? Impress your children with one of the best telescope for kids ... Continue Reading →
best telescope

TwinStar AstroMark 80mm Portable Refractor Telescope Review

 The TwinStar AstroMark 80mm Portable Refractor Telescope is ideal for children Are you wondering which would be the best telescope for kids nowadays? Well, there are many starter ... Continue Reading →
best telescope

Celestron 21036 PowerSeeker 70AZ telescope review

 The Celestron PowerSeeker 70AZ Telescope   If you’re looking for an amazing gift idea for a child with attraction towards astronomy, or you want one for yourself, to start ... Continue Reading →
best telescope

Discovery Exclusive Sky & Land SL70 Telescope

 Discovery Exclusive Sky & Land SL70 Telescope   The very popular SL70 Telescope is a great tool for exploration of the world around us. Its biggest feature is its versatility, ... Continue Reading →